1 paskaita. Bendros valiutos kaðtai


1.1 Paklausos pokyèiai (pradinë Mundell’o teorija)
1.2 Pinigø sàjunga ir apsidraudimas nuo asimetriniø ðokø
   1.2.1 Vieðosios draudimo sistemos
   1.2.2 Privaèios draudimo schemos
1.3 Skirtingos ðaliø pirmenybës infliacijai ir nedarbui
1.4 Darbo rinkos institucijø skirtumai
1.5 Teisiniø sistemø skirtumai
1.6 Skirtingi augimo tempai
1.7 Skirtingos fiskalinës sistemos ir senjoraþo problema

PowerPoint skaidrës (80) (339KB)

Papildoma literatûra

  1. Mundell, R. (1961) “A Theory of Optimal Currency Areas,” American Economic Review, 51.
  2. McKinnon, R. (1963) “Optimum Currency Areas,” American Economic Review, 53: 717-25.
  3. Kenen, R. (1969) “The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas: An Eclectic View,” in R. Mundell and A. Swoboda (eds) (1969) Monetary Problems of the International Economy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  4. lshiyama, Y. (1975) “The theory of optimum currency areas: A survey,” IMF Staff Papers, 22:344-83.
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  26. Gros, D. (1990) “Seigniorage and EMS Discipline,” in P. De Grauwe and L. Papademos (eds) (1990) The European Monetary System in the 1990s, London: Longman.
  27. Gros, D. and Thygesen, N. (1988) “The EMS: Achievements, Current Issues and Directions for the Future,” CEPS Paper, no. 35.
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